Baseball Showcase America, LLC is committed to the health and wellness of our players and their families, umpires, our staff and the cities we work with. As we move forward hosting tournaments, teams participating have to adhere to the following guidelines.
1. We have reviewed all CDC Guidelines for latest recommendations on COVID-19 / Infectious disease, and we will review with staff, coaches, parents, vendors and umpires.
2. Follow all State and Local Government sites for latest mandates including social distance, # allowed in groups, and mask mandates
3. Limit team spectators to players immediate family only.
4. We will communicate via social media, our website and email with teams, staff, parks staff, regarding these guidelines for keeping all personnel / venue safe.
5. The plan for equipment use: umpires will use new baseball each game, awards are individually wrapped in plastic and will be handed out by coaches. Player equipment, dugouts and bleachers will be sanitized by teams after use.
6. We have ordered banners to post signage for maintaining safe practices/distancing
7. Baseball Showcase has scheduled additional time between games to limit the amount of teams waiting for next games; teams will go directly to their designated warm up areas.
9. Require teams to bring their own sanitizers/disinfectants and to clean dugouts after each game is completed.
10. When not playing field and/or in the dugout, players and coaches must wear face masks.
11. Do not permit the sunflower seeds.
12. Umpire safety-expand coin toss area, conferences, no handshakes, etc.
13. Vendor plan. Any vendors will need to adhere to these standards.
14. The penalty for anyone not adhering by the guidelines will be asked to leave.
15. If anyone shows any signs of symptoms, feels sick, they should not be permitted to come into the park.
16. Players need to bring their own individual water or sport bottle. Water coolers in the dugout will not be permitted.